This week has been full of learning with all our tamariki being very excited about our fale launch. In pūtaiao we learn't about how different materials attract the sun and have an effect on temperature.
We have also been learning about Matariki, so watch this space!
Wiki tuaono was short but we did our best to pack in as much learning as possible! During writing this week the teina made masks and then wrote a few sentences about the type of mask and what they like about it. They really enjoyed making up the masks and then taking them home.
We also looked at How humans have an effect on our environment and what can we can do to make a change. The students really understood what impacts we have on the environment and came up with some really great brainstorms. We hope to design T shirts with different messages to make change!
In pūtaiao this week we learnt about the nectar guide which helps a bee quickly locate the flowers center. Bees can see ultraviolet light! The students were really interested about finding out more...
This week we have really been focusing on Whaikoha but how to show others whaikoha and how we want to be respected.
New Windsor has been showing respect to other cultures by celebrating Samoan Language week and in our akomanga we have been learning new knowledge about Samoan each day. The Samoan national anthem is short but some of the words have been a little hard but we have shown manawaroa!
We have also being working really well during tuakana teina panui time!
The teina of our class have been investigating measuring and ordering different items during maths sessions. They have learnt shorter, longer and how to measure using non standard measures and using a ruler starting from zero.
Kia Ora Wiki tua rima was a short week for the akonga. We took care of our core subjects this week, we are still focusing on one of our school values of Whaikoha and we also celebrated Samoa Language week by learning aspects of the Samoa culture.
The student learn't about vibration during Pūtaiao, which they really enjoyed.
We thought it was important that we learn't what the trees of our school fale looked like and were they were located around our school.
On Friday I (Whaea Tini) attended the Lynfield Kahui Ako Colference, it was a great day where i learnt to new things for the classroom. Take a look at all those teachers learning new things!