Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga ō te kātoa! Be united as one for the greater good of all.
This week we have all done our best to keep a routine in our bubbles with akomanga 16 students being online at 9.00am for karakia each morning. During our online sessions we do karakia, catch up on how we are doing and what mahi we have for the day. If we can we will also play a Kahoot together which most tamariki want to do over anything else.
I have really enjoyed seeing the tamariki connecting online with each other and especially the year 0 - 3 with support of their parents, which they have done an amazing job been online to learn! Whaea Tini knows it's not easy for all of us.
Rāmere our whanau joined us as well and played a Kahoot based on Te Reo which we learn't for Rāpare - Reo. This is was fun for whanau to connect and as one mum's message said "That Kahoot! Was an awesome way to connect and to show learning Te Reo is fun. I was also told Whanau were getting very competitive!